
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Review: Carrier of the Mark by Leigh Fallon

So I almost didn't read this - but that gorgeous cover got the better of me. And now that I've read it, I think the cover is cleverly done - a beautiful embodiment of certain aspects of the central characters, and a pretty theme that graces every chapter heading.

At first I thought I'd stepped into a Twilight remake - well I suppose there has to be similarities since this is about a guy with a secret and a girl at high school who fall in love but shouldn't really be together *pauses and shrugs*.

Don't get me wrong - this was much faster paced and more efficiently written. And I was completely intrigued by the fact that I didn't really understand what the whole concept of the carrier of the mark was about.

That was until about chapter 11 when there was a major information dump that gave me a bit of a headache (it was midnight - give me a break). And I found the concept to be very unique and refreshing - something I'd not read before in YA.

The story builds up to an exciting crescendo, and the development of Adam and Megan's relationship has its tender and spicy moments - thankfully both parts of the story (i.e. the romance and the action) are carefully combined so as to not outshine the other.

And the ending, which I love (did I mention that already?), sets the tone for an intriguing second book. What will Megan choose? What will the aftermath be? Who is betraying them to the Knox?

I also love that this is set in Ireland. Irish names, landscapes, colloquialisms - the voice in my head read with an Irish accent and it made the book so much more exotic and appealing *grins like a big git*.

I'm going to be adding the next books immediately to my "to-read" list. Fans of Twilight and Unearthly *waves both hands in the air* will enjoy this story, and those YA readers who like to read something with a new slant on the paranormal aspect.

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