
Saturday, April 7, 2012

In the beginning

When I was a kid, I would lay outside in the long grass on our huge back section and escape. Only the internal sound of my own breath floating in and out would remind me that I was actually still there near my house. The tall blades teeming with life surrounding my body cut me off from reality, and I would make up stories and imagine.

These days I don't have any time to lay around in the long grass anymore. Which sucks big time. I think if we could all lay down in some long grass for as long as we wanted to each day, the world would be a much happier place.

Instead, I read. I read to escape, to yearn, to feel, to have my heart broken, to travel, to grow, to fight, to love, to learn, to experience.

I don't read to critique, but inevitably I form an opinion. I didn't study English at university and my grammar is fairly average. So when I talk about a book I've read or am reading, it's not usually to tear it to shreds because the tense didn't match the setting or was inconsistent or whatever (see...average), but rather to talk about the journey, the experience, the characters, the story.

So that's what this site is all about. I read usually Young Adult, and mostly fantasy / sci fi / dystopia / paranormal and almost always books that have some romance. What can I say - I'm a sucker for a good romance.

So check out my upcoming reviews and I'd love to hear what you think.


1 comment:

  1. 2000 Subaru Impreza AC Compressor

    Really di,its awsome......really a source of inspiration &admiration,for me atleast........beautifully written,hats off to u too.....:))))))
