
Saturday, May 19, 2012

Review: Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi

So I actually read this a while back, but didn't blog about it back then coz I was on a bit of a reading blitz. Now that the dust has settled I couldn't resist writing about this book - it's just so awesome.

The story is told from the perspective of Juliette, a girl who has a strange ability and has been kept locked away from the world as a result ... and is understandably a little messed up by that. Her voice reflects the mental state of someone who has been kept in an asylum for 264 days.

Can I just say that Tahereh Mafi is a genius to be able to bring this to Juliette's character in a natural and balanced way. It's not over the top so much so that it turns you off or confuses you (unlike some other book I didn't appreciate a.k.a. Catcher in the Rye). The ruminating and numbers are all so accurate, and I should know since I had a family member with these issues and Mafi nails it.

The development of Juliette and Adam's relationship keeps you on the edge of your favourite reading spot - so uncertain and sweet to start off with, but there is fire lurking and yes it is shatter-worthy. As for Warner, the deluded psycho running that ward of the evil Reestablishment, his sights are dead set on Juliette and things are getting way worse than uncomfortable.

I love how Mafi allows the story to evolve so effortlessly. And I absolutely love reading it through Juliette's slightly unhinged mind.

Action...romance...and where is it all heading? Well the final pages of this book deliver on the X-men comparison, setting the scene for an interesting second book...which is now very firmly on my to-read list!

For any YA / romance fan, and every dystopia fan, this book is an absolute must.

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